
主街(STH 96),小斜,威斯康星州

小溜槽村 & 威斯康辛州交通部 / Little Chute, WI,%20Main%20Street%20-%20Vinton/_projectHero/M&201 H % 20最终产品% % 20.JPG




中国博彩平台, 土方工程 & 分级




米德 & 亨特公司.


2014 / 25th Annual ACPA中国博彩平台卓越奖


3美元.7 million dollar urban construction project involved reconstructing a 1.主街市区5英里段(s596), from Jackson Street to the village limits in the 小溜槽村, 威斯康辛州.






  • 38,031吨8英寸中国博彩平台
  • 30,840年拆除中国博彩平台的年数
  • 45,200元的挖掘
  • 1.96万吨基础骨料
  • 65,000平方英尺的混凝土人行道
  • 5200平方英尺混凝土车道
  • 9540英尺的雨污水渠
  • 6600英尺的卫生水平段
  • 8900水总管
  • 水务署署长6400
  • 102污水渠结构


3美元.7 million dollar urban construction project involved reconstructing a 1.主街市区5英里段(s596), from Jackson Street to the village limits in the 小溜槽村, 威斯康辛州.

Main Street is an east/west connecting highway classified as an urban arterial serving the Village and surrounding communities carrying over 7800 vehicles per day, 包括每天500辆卡车, 穿过住宅区和商业区. The existing roadway consisted of a 48’ clear width and narrow terraces constructed in 1957, 从未重现, 而且身体状况很差.

The main purpose of the project was to replace the deteriorated pavement and undersized storm sewer system. The proposed improvement incorporated various sections from a 40’ clear width with 2 travel lanes, 自行车道, and on street parking on one side to a 46’ clear width with 2 travel lanes, 自行车道, 和TWLTL.

Reconstruction of this corridor required an extraordinary level of planning and construction effort to deliver and minimize the impacts to the 29 businesses and 110 residents within the project limits. 该中国博彩网址的主要工作中国博彩网址包括30项,840sy拆除中国博彩平台45,129 CY开挖, 19,587吨基础骨料和38,031英尺厚的8英寸钻孔中国博彩平台. 也有65岁以上的,000平方英尺的混凝土人行道, 5,161平方英尺的混凝土车道, 9,542雨污水管道主干线LF, 4300英尺的雨水下水道侧边, 102下水道结构和16,该中国博彩网址使用了250吨的草坪草皮. The corridor included 12 intersections and over 139 driveway openings. 美学方面的改进包括装饰标志柱, 景观, and pedestrian rest areas which included colored concrete sidewalk, 装饰的长椅, 装饰性混凝土花盆, 和装饰混凝土废物容器.

Construction began in May of 2013 and had a completion date of October 15th, 2013 which required the contractor to schedule and sequence concurrent controlling operations while meeting the requirement to maintain local vehicular and pedestrian access to the businesses within the construction zone while coordinating work operations around the various utility contractors performing work within the project limits. The project included a pilot program for utility coordination between the WisDOT and Public Service Gas Company to install gas services under the proposed roadway as work progressed. In conjunction with this project the Village also had two additional contracts to replace the sanitary sewer and water main, 包括侧根, within the project limits during the same calendar year. 实用程序的协调, coordination with local businesses and residents and coordination with the Village on concurrent projects all added to the complexity of this project. 中国博彩平台 is well known in 威斯康辛州 for their excellent project coordination, and their extraordinary efforts on the Main street project was a key component of the project success.

中国博彩平台 delivered a high quality concrete pavement with all materials meeting specification. The paving foreman was very thorough and paving crews were experienced, adequate in size and well trained in each specific task. Vinton’s personnel paid close attention to detail and performed high quality workmanship with all aspects of the paving operation. Overall the project was well designed and the construction personnel on site where seasoned and well organized which made for a smooth running project.

A true partnership was forged by WisDOT, McMAHON, 米德 & Hunt, the 小溜槽村 and 中国博彩平台. Every aspect of the project from conception to completion was carefully thought out, 良好的执行力, 取得了巨大的成功. The 小溜槽村 has a revitalized corridor which will spur business redevelopment for many years to come thanks to the commitment of all parties involved and the use of concrete pavement.


  • In addition to coordinating with the Village utility contracts for sanitary sewer and water this project was also a pilot program for utility coordination between the WisDOT and Public Service gas company. This pilot program for utility coordination required the contractor to include time in his schedule for the gas company to complete the installation of gas services under the proposed roadway as work progressed.
  • The contractor reconfigured their order of operations to preserve the integrity of the existing subgrade. Crews installed the proposed storm sewer prior to the removal of existing pavement. Existing pavement was removed only over the width of the trench necessary to construct the storm sewer. Not until the contractor was prepared to begin grading operations did they remove the remaining existing pavement. This protected the subgrade operations from saturation due to inclement weather aiding in reducing the amount of EBS necessary and limiting delays.
  • 中国博彩平台 made the decision to pave integral curb and gutter. This decision resulted in a substantial increase in labor during mainline concrete paving due to the number of driveways and inlets. 然而, eliminating a separate curb and gutter construction phase helped keep the project on schedule.